Policy Entrepreneurs in Public Administration: A Social Network Analysis



This article examines the role of policy entrepreneurs in promoting change flood risk mitigation at local level Sweden through a comparative study two Swedish municipalities with different approaches to governance; as technical issue or social issue. The municipality which is addressed exhibits larger size network mitigating risk, more diverse actors involved, and central location politicians senior management. Moreover, analysis points salience bureaucratic entrepreneur this shift toward addressing it issue, shows how they use relational strategies frame relating climate action. operationalizes sociability credibility, attributes entrepreneurs, thus, contributes theoretical methodological discussion general, pertain environmental particular. David, Charles-Philippe. 2015. “Policy Entrepreneurs Reorientation National Security Policy under G. W. Bush Administration (2001-04).” Politics & 43 (1): 163-195. https://doi.org/10.1111/polp.12106 Shock, David R. 2013. “The Significance Opposition on Local Sales Tax Referendum Outcomes.” 41 (4): 588-614. https://doi.org/10.1111/polp.12028 Sidha, Zedekia, Patrick Asingo, Justine Magutu. 2021. “Street-Level Bureaucrats Entrepreneurs: Nexus between Timing Traffic Enforcement Activities Road Safety Early View. https://doi.org/10.1111/polp.12386 Este artículo examina el papel de los emprendedores políticas en la promoción cambios mitigación del riesgo inundaciones nivel Suecia través un estudio comparativo dos municipios suecos con diferentes enfoques para gobernanza inundaciones. El municipio que se aborda como problema exhibe mayor tamaño red mitiga inundaciones, más actores involucrados y una ubicación políticos alta gerencia. Además, análisis apunta importancia emprendedor burocráticas este cambio, muestra cómo utilizan estrategias relacionales enmarcar tema relación acción cambio climático. operacionaliza sociabilidad credibilidad, atributos políticas, por lo tanto contribuye discusión teórica metodológica refiere política ambiental 本文通过对就洪灾风险治理采取不同措施的两个瑞典自治市进行比较研究,分析了瑞典政策企业家在从地方层面推动改变洪灾风险缓解措施一事中发挥的作用。将洪灾风险缓解作为一个社会问题加以解决的自治市展现了更大范围的洪灾风险缓解网络、涉及更多样化的行动者、并且政客和高级管理层的中心位置更强。此外,分析指出了官僚政策企业家在推动这一转变的过程中的重要性,同时表明了他们(官僚政策企业家)如何使用关系策略来将该问题描述为与气候变化行动相关。本文将政策企业家的两个性质—社交性和可信度—进行操作化,并由此从整体上对关于政策企业家的理论探讨和方法论探讨作贡献,尤其是与环境政策相关的探讨。 Understanding factors mechanisms leading key concern studies (Capano Howlett 2009; Sabatier 2007; Weible 2014). have long been recognized within public scholarship agents general (Carter Scott 2010; Mintrom 2000; Norman Thomas 2017; Schneider Teske 1992; Schneider, Teske, 1995; Sheingate 2003), particular (Huitema, Lebel, Meijerink 2011; Ingold Christopoulos 2015; 2019; Kalafatis Lemos Verduijn 2015). Further, are integral both canonical recently established theories process (Mintrom Petridou 2020). “a special kind actor, embedded sociopolitical fabric, who alert opportunities acts upon them; he she amasses coalitions for purpose effecting substantive sector, political rules provision goods” (Petridou, Aflaki, Miles 2015, 1). In addition their contribution change, found be influential transformative other sectors, such economic development (Petridou 1995), education 2000), foreign (Blavoukos Bourantonis 2012; 2015), (Hammond 2013), name few (see Frisch-Aviram, Cohen, Beeri 2019). words, matter (Arnold A segment entrepreneurship literature suggests that these members elite, exceptional actors, high-level decision makers (Christopoulos 2006; 2019), while servants has not garnered much attention by scholars 2018; Hysing Olsson 2018). lack scholarly belies fact bureaucracy an part process, because state delegate task proposing direction making policies work. delegation offers them significant degree discretion practice (Frisch-Aviram, Jordan Huitema addition, recent systematic review finds lowest percentage devoted governance level, opposed regional, national, supranational levels lacuna results understanding entrepreneurs—or Roberts King (1991) describe them—in terms make array disposal efforts influence policy-making process. (2018) focus structural characteristics examination low-level bureaucrats Israeli local-waste separation authorities. article, we seek complement research teasing out networks fields adaptation, treatment problem. government-led initiatives important beyond jurisdiction, may function experiment potential lead national Luetjens Olausson 2017). (2017) subnational understand work required effect behavioral (and political) needed address change. More specifically, authors examine micro actions macro-level focusing, inter alia, problem framing. Framing, any definition specific strategy attracted considerable 2014; Stone 2002; Zahariadis 2007, Less research, however, interactional aspect framing defined “the dynamic enactment alignment meaning ongoing interactions frames transient communication structures people build around issues during each turn talk)” (Dewulf Bouwen 2012, 169). How do facilitate transformation into wider agenda governance? empirical context Sweden. Floods constitute threat Europe, far reaching consequences expected increase continues (Becker 2014, Priest et al. 2016). Technical solutions (Tasseff, Bent, Van Hentenryck see also Ermolieva Goniewicz Burkle Nakamura Oki Pérez-Molina 2017), reviews management system Germany United States point importance comprehensive approach mainstreaming hazards spatial planning urban development, well engaging citizens questions (Thieken 2016; Tyler, Sadiq, Noonan agency shown salient broader regional host countries, including: Germany, Sweden, Americas, Canada (Anderton Setzer Brouwer Giest Huitema, Boasson, Beunen large number floods creating systemic disruptions occurred since 1980s (Nyberg 2008). responsibility mitigation—and broadly, governance—in rests level; is, municipality. 290 municipal administrations vary considerably size—both demographically geographically—and freedom organize administrative (Larsson Bäck section, briefly integrate problems, networks, entrepreneurs. “is related events, contexts” (Weible 3). goal involved exert view achieving range objectives, including adopting new policy, incrementally adjusting institutional arrangements, successful implementation, raising awareness facilitating cooperation among adversaries intention brokering agreement. Changes could operationalized outputs ranging from alteration existing would affect operational activities programs already place creation entirely 2012). Notably, one ways building overcoming collective action dilemmas. To solve commons required, necessary individuals motivated act thus assume private costs (i.e., time) pursuit good (Ostrom 1998). Prior this, identified problem, solvable problems theme least partly, simply enacted altered absence (Marier Indeed, heart attempt though whether actually remains fundamental question Peters arises “[i]n knowledge concerning identifying problems?” 5811 For expanded relationship (2005). ). exist purposes, conceptualized (Peters 2005). way delineates likely taken (Stone 2002). Further illuminating contingent solutions, (2002) defines distance statement current affairs given time. if effective design, two-step first step concerns hand what?) second consists Problem studied extensively variety disciplines, sociology, communication, making, sciences, administration, well-documented Meydani Petridou, It refers idea understood perspectives, depending narrator, elements narrative, audience. One perspective complexity, differentiated programmatic complexity former reflects interests process—the number, higher implication arduous landscape becomes difficult reach solution satisfy all stakeholders. Conversely, intrinsic aspects its diffuse causality chain. Generally, inversely correlated complexity. However, translated narrative broad wide buy-in can agenda. Complex, intractable, seemingly insoluble were termed “wicked” Rittel Webber (1973). Challenges as, example, poverty, disaster, defy precise definition, clear when solved, choices always involve externalities, attempts processes, nested, causes unclear rarely agreed (Rittel 1973). handful decades later, proliferation challenges engendered nuanced theorization classification complex tame very wicked, based combination degrees (Alford Head (2000) network-based, collaborative solving most advantageous. By “get[ting] whole room,” stakeholders—“a community interest”—actors possibility agree nature possible (Roberts 2000, 13-4). highlights need approach, provide viable When comes governance, reflected paradigm Western Europe; earlier reliance engineering integrated management, focusing collaborative, nonstructural involving coordinated (Balsiger Butler Pidgeon Klijn documents EU Kingdom Netherlands, where favoring erection dikes modification river channels measures allow water take space retention (Balsinger van Ek 2004; Defra increased coordination holistic extraordinary events crisis e.g., Boin Bynander Collaborative arrangements networks. Networks analytical constructions our interdependencies actors. “an intuitively comprehensible metaphor: regular frequent exchange information establishment stable relationships mutual interests” (Adam Kriesi 129). Studies regarding formation individual-level variables shape socio-environmental outcomes (Berardo natural resources using formal (SNA), Berardo others note network-level activity behavior comprising and, turn, actors' potentially result changes network. structurally actor (policy) entrepreneur, whom rather uncritically conflate leader, despite debate Kingdon (2003) concept component Multiple Streams Approach (MSA), further elaborated (2007, 2014) Jones (2016). Although MSA no mono-causal explanations conditions ambiguity, matching problems. First, must creative insightful, ability proposals will run. Second, socially sensitive perceptive so able many angles. Third, move settings. Fourth, persuasive. Fifth, teams pursue goals. Sixth, “lead example,” inspire team vision future, realistic 2000). Finally, individual working isolation; milieu operate 2000) often group even organization Exadaktylos work, (2019, 2020) noted credibility possess. Credibility achieved demonstrating expertise holding certain positions, generally appearing having “what takes.” Sociability interpreted likeability, consider ambitions desires trying achieve one's own purposes Both impetus Given politically render consensus achieve, seem counterintuitive (low complexity) (high complexity), attracting divergent views. requires mobilization swathes politics society outlined appropriate them. What more, favorable designed mitigate effects (Gullers Grupp Framing issue—rather than issue—reduces cognitive threshold lay conceptualize solutions. (2014), politicians' calculus, visibility legitimize allocation proposed answer overarching agenda, relate operationalize entrepreneurs: credibility. adopted case design (Yin selection entails similar size, rate leadership, settings, experience actual floods, but governing mitigation. Lomma Staffanstorp Southern fit description, almost identical populations (around 24,000), population growth urbanization, strong Conservative Party dominance, located same county, significantly flooded time modern times 2007 again then (Figure interpretive (White 1997), roles contributing relations (DiMaggio 1992). SNA proved useful revealing underlying processes (Robins, Lewis, Wang 2012), qualitative investigation reasons (Bernard 2006). We conducted administration comparative, municipalities, limiting generalization advanced western democracies. richness data rigor strengths. rich complements SNA, contextualizing adding nuance it. Network forward means remove bias might occur researcher identifies solely mentioned elsewhere employed conjunction specifically interrogate Calvet-Mir Hauck, Schmidt, Werner Salpeteur Tindall Robinson Social collected structured interviews. Following Becker (2018), dependence was aggregation seven types input rated 5-point Likert scale (0) extremely (4), aggregated normalized. included: (1) reports activities; (2) equipment material; (3) funding; (4) information; (5) policy; (6) advice support; (7) pepping moral support Informants asked trust provided (on scale, full trust), normalized clarity. Qualitative open interviews ensuing collection recorded notes. Most lasted 60 90 minutes, shorter less engaged All face-to-face minimize nonresponses clarification probing (Borgatti, Everett, Johnson 2018), opportunity hold conversations. analyzed UCINET Freeman Delimiting boundaries setting limits obvious limits, makes boundary decisions evident (Knoke Yang 2008; Robins used realist analyst adopts presumed subjective perceptions themselves, defining consciously experienced entity” 2008, 15). bounded snowball sampling, starting set contribute administration. name-generating informant depended risk. continued principle until informants identified, judgments relevance resulted 35 20 Staffanstorp. Scholars successfully centrality identify position it, calculated three actor. Centrality concepts convey actor's prominence summarizing nodes. An speaks greater nodes, essentially high involvement Wasserman Faust 1994). Generally speaking, heuristic power node exerts network, variations power.22 thorough, mathematical scope study. Interested readers to, Borgatti, (1994), noting fairly vast versatile. in-degree constituted inputs dependent control analogous notion popularity betweenness typically reveals capacity resource flows network—a sort gatekeeping implying 2018)—and here included flows. in-eigenvector capture over (Bonacich 1987; 2015); applied manner positive Bonacich power/Beta suggested tool detecting mitigation, factions. Faction subgroups organizational affiliation optimization nodes groups membership separate clique-like algorithm fits measured final proportion correct zero (no fit) (perfect fit). triangulated interview entrepreneurial skills strategies, contextualize perspective. As hit causing damage Flood become priority Lomma, framed issue: “Everything started 2007” (Head Department, Lomma). At interviews, approximately ten years civil servant emerged said “[w]e really Lomma. They interested focused adaptation… listen decisions.” Staffanstorp, dealt limited, means, practice, technical: got caught completely off guard 2007. Before didn't anything. Then multiplied investment budget sewage, continue improve [the drainage system] go” (Civil servant, Staffanstorp). consequence, “[they] [process], mainly sewage unit” politician posits agenda: “Flood iss

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عنوان ژورنال: Politics and Policy

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['1747-1346', '1555-5623']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/polp.12400